Welcome to a tribute page dedicated to Impossible Mission NT  (new technologies)

IM universe background story:


When the real life case of Elvin Atombender came to public, in the same year a arcade machine was created, which shifts the story into the future to the year 2001, anticipating that Atombender tries a second time to fulfill his plans (long before 911).


In contrary to the usual home computer and console versions the arcade machine was about the true story that happened in 1983 adding several fictional elements. 


Agent Hensman hardly separates himself from his weapon, but in the only two cases in 1983 and 2001 he has to do without it (in reality and in the game), due to the underground security facilities. 


The truth is that Atombender has tried and still tries to start a missile attack, however this time he will be stopped by two men, the agent and the sergeant, who are mentioned with their names. 


In this case one of the two directs the other through the underground stronghold. Even the boldest mind could not imagine the technologies which are used for this purpose. 

<- Click here for production notes and all infos about The Impossible Mission Story !

More graphics !

All pictures and graphics are (c) by Mikkel Christensen, 2009. 

More sounds !

All new SFX and Ingame music for a possibly HD-Remake. 

Impossible Mission Satire

Missing text for Another Mission:

1. A newscaster who forgot his name - weird...

2. According to agent Hensman's records there are some things you definitely cannot do... 

     - calling the wrong base...

     - disable the cobwebs on the furniture with a special code to find the pieces easier...

     - playing any licence protected melodies in one of the code rooms...

 Here are some very cool ideas from "Blasternox":

And finally, "Retrohead" demonstrates the future of Impossible Mission playing ;-)